
When our region of interest covers several longitude and latitude degrees, utilizing Cartesian coordinates to model geological structures might introduce significant errors: they don’t take into account the curvature of the Earth. Instead, we would need to work in Spherical coordinates. A common approach to forward model bodies in geocentric spherical coordinates is to make use of tesseroids.

A tesseroid (a.k.a spherical prism) is a three dimensional body defined by the volume contained by two longitudinal boundaries, two latitudinal boundaries and the surfaces of two concentric spheres of different radii (see Figure: Tesseroid).

Figure showing a tesseroid defined in a geocentric spherical coordinate system

Figure: Tesseroid

Tesseroid defined by two longitude coordinates (\(\lambda_1\) and \(\lambda_2\)), two latitude coordinates (\(\phi_1\) and \(\phi_2\)) and the surfaces of two concentric spheres of radii \(r_1\) and \(r_2\). This figure is a modified version of [Uieda2015].

Through the harmonica.tesseroid_gravity function we can calculate the gravitational field of any tesseroid with a given density on any computation point. Each tesseroid can be represented through a tuple containing its six boundaries in the following order: west, east, south, north, bottom, top, where the former four are its longitudinal and latitudinal boundaries in decimal degrees and the latter two are the two radii given in meters.


The harmonica.tesseroid_gravity numerically computed the gravitational fields of tesseroids by applying a method that applies the Gauss-Legendre Quadrature along with a bidimensional adaptive discretization algorithm. Refer to [Soler2019] for more details.

Lets define a single tesseroid and compute the gravitational potential it generates on a regular grid of computation points located at 10 km above its top boundary.

Get the WGS84 reference ellipsoid from boule so we can obtain its mean radius:

import boule as bl

ellipsoid = bl.WGS84
mean_radius = ellipsoid.mean_radius

Define the tesseroid and its density (in kg per cubic meters):

tesseroid = (-70, -50, -40, -20, mean_radius - 10e3, mean_radius)
density = 2670

Define a set of computation points located on a regular grid at 100 km above the top surface of the tesseroid:

import verde as vd

coordinates = vd.grid_coordinates(
    region=[-80, -40, -50, -10],
    shape=(80, 80),
    extra_coords=100e3 + mean_radius,

Lets compute the downward component of the gravitational acceleration it generates on the computation point:

import harmonica as hm

gravity = hm.tesseroid_gravity(coordinates, tesseroid, density, field="g_z")


The downward component \(g_z\) of the gravitational acceleration computed in spherical coordinates corresponds to \(-g_r\), where \(g_r\) is the radial component.

And finally plot the computed gravitational field

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cartopy.crs as ccrs

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 9))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=-60))
img = ax.pcolormesh(
    coordinates[0], coordinates[1], gravity, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()
plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax, pad=0, aspect=50, orientation="horizontal", label="mGal")
ax.set_title("Downward component of gravitational acceleration")

Multiple tesseroids

We can compute the gravitational field of a set of tesseroids by passing a list of them, where each tesseroid is defined as mentioned before, and then making a single call of the harmonica.tesseroid_gravity function.

Lets define a set of four prisms along with their densities:

tesseroids = [
    [-70, -65, -40, -35, mean_radius - 100e3, mean_radius],
    [-55, -50, -40, -35, mean_radius - 100e3, mean_radius],
    [-70, -65, -25, -20, mean_radius - 100e3, mean_radius],
    [-55, -50, -25, -20, mean_radius - 100e3, mean_radius],
densities = [2670 , 2670, 2670, 2670]

Compute their gravitational effect on a grid of computation points:

coordinates = vd.grid_coordinates(
    region=[-80, -40, -50, -10],
    shape=(80, 80),
    extra_coords=100e3 + mean_radius,
gravity = hm.tesseroid_gravity(coordinates, tesseroids, densities, field="g_z")

And plot the results:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 9))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=-60))
img = ax.pcolormesh(
    coordinates[0], coordinates[1], gravity, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()
plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax, pad=0, aspect=50, orientation="horizontal", label="mGal")
ax.set_title("Downward component of gravitational acceleration")

Tesseroids with variable density

The harmonica.tesseroid_gravity is capable of computing the gravitational effects of tesseroids whose density is defined through a continuous function of the radial coordinate. This is achieved by the application of the method introduced in [Soler2021].

To do so we need to define a regular Python function for the density, which should have a single argument (the radius coordinate) and return the density of the tesseroids at that radial coordinate. In addition, we need to decorate the density function with numba.jit(nopython=True) or numba.njit for short.

Lets compute the gravitational effect of four tesseroids whose densities are given by a custom linear density function.

Start by defining the tesseroids

tesseroids = (
    [-70, -60, -40, -30, mean_radius - 3e3, mean_radius],
    [-70, -60, -30, -20, mean_radius - 5e3, mean_radius],
    [-60, -50, -40, -30, mean_radius - 7e3, mean_radius],
    [-60, -50, -30, -20, mean_radius - 10e3, mean_radius],

Then, define a linear density function. We need to use the jit decorator so Numba can run the forward model efficiently.

from numba import njit

def density(radius):
    """Linear density function"""
    top = mean_radius
    bottom = mean_radius - 10e3
    density_top = 2670
    density_bottom = 3000
    slope = (density_top - density_bottom) / (top - bottom)
    return slope * (radius - bottom) + density_bottom

Lets create a set of computation points located on a regular grid at 100km above the mean Earth radius:

coordinates = vd.grid_coordinates(
    region=[-80, -40, -50, -10],
    shape=(80, 80),
    extra_coords=100e3 + ellipsoid.mean_radius,

And compute the gravitational fields the tesseroids generate:

gravity = hm.tesseroid_gravity(coordinates, tesseroids, density, field="g_z")

Finally, lets plot it:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 9))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=-60))
img = ax.pcolormesh(*coordinates[:2], gravity, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax, pad=0, aspect=50, orientation="horizontal", label="mGal")
ax.set_title("Downward component of gravitational acceleration")