Source code for harmonica._forward.dipole

# Copyright (c) 2018 The Harmonica Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# This code is part of the Fatiando a Terra project (
Forward modelling for magnetic fields of dipoles
from math import prod

import numpy as np
from choclo.dipole import magnetic_e, magnetic_field, magnetic_n, magnetic_u
from numba import jit, prange

from .utils import initialize_progressbar

VALID_FIELDS = ("b", "b_e", "b_n", "b_u")
    "b_e": magnetic_e,
    "b_n": magnetic_n,
    "b_u": magnetic_u,

[docs] def dipole_magnetic( coordinates, dipoles, magnetic_moments, field, parallel=True, dtype="float64", progressbar=False, disable_checks=False, ): """ Magnetic field of dipoles in Cartesian coordinates Compute the component(s) of the magnetic field vector generated by a collection of dipoles on a set of observation points. .. important:: The component(s) of the magnetic field are returned in :math:`nT`. Parameters ---------- coordinates : list of arrays List of arrays containing the ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward`` coordinates of the computation points defined on a Cartesian coordinate system. All coordinates should be in meters. dipoles : tuple of arrays Tuple of arrays containing the ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward`` locations of the dipoles defined on a Cartesian coordinate system. All coordinates should be in meters. magnetic_moments : tuple of arrays Tuple containing the three arrays corresponding to the magnetic moment components of each dipole in :math:`Am^2`. These arrays should be provided in the following order: ``mag_moment_easting``, ``mag_moment_northing``, ``mag_moment_upward``. field : str Magnetic field that will be computed. The available fields are: - The full magnetic vector: ``b`` - Easting component of the magnetic vector: ``b_e`` - Northing component of the magnetic vector: ``b_n`` - Upward component of the magnetic vector: ``b_u`` parallel : bool (optional) If True the computations will run in parallel using Numba built-in parallelization. If False, the forward model will run on a single core. Might be useful to disable parallelization if the forward model is run by an already parallelized workflow. Default to True. dtype : data-type (optional) Data type assigned to the resulting magnetic field. Default to ``np.float64``. progressbar : bool (optional) If True, a progress bar of the computation will be printed to standard error (stderr). Requires :mod:`numba_progress` to be installed. Default to ``False``. disable_checks : bool (optional) Flag that controls whether to perform a sanity check on the model. Should be set to ``True`` only when it is certain that the input model is valid and it does not need to be checked. Default to ``False``. Returns ------- magnetic_field : array or tuple of arrays Computed magnetic field on every observation point in :math:`nT`. If ``field`` is set to a single component, then a single array with the computed magnetic field component will be returned. If ``field`` is set to ``"b"``, then a tuple containing the three components of the magnetic vector will be returned in the following order: ``b_e``, ``b_n``, ``b_u``. """ # Check if field is valid if field not in VALID_FIELDS: raise ValueError( f"Invalid field '{field}'. " f"Please choose one of '{', '.join(VALID_FIELDS)}'." ) # Figure out the shape and size of the output array(s) cast = np.broadcast(*coordinates[:3]) # Convert coordinates, dipoles and magnetic moments to arrays coordinates = tuple(np.atleast_1d(i).ravel() for i in coordinates[:3]) dipoles = tuple(np.atleast_1d(i).ravel() for i in dipoles[:3]) magnetic_moments = tuple(np.atleast_1d(m).ravel() for m in magnetic_moments) # Sanity checks if not disable_checks: _check_dipoles_and_magnetic_moments(dipoles, magnetic_moments) # Run computations if field == "b": result = _dipole_magnetic_vector( coordinates, dipoles, magnetic_moments, cast.shape, dtype, parallel, progressbar, ) else: forward_func = FORWARD_FUNCTIONS[field] result = _dipole_magnetic_component( coordinates, dipoles, magnetic_moments, forward_func, cast.shape, dtype, parallel, progressbar, ) return result
def _dipole_magnetic_vector( coordinates, dipoles, magnetic_moments, shape, dtype, parallel, progressbar, ): """ Forward model the three components of the magnetic vector Parameters ---------- coordinates : tuple of arrays Tuple containing ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward`` of the computation points as arrays, all defined on a Cartesian coordinate system and in meters. dipoles : tuple of arrays Tuple of arrays containing the ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward`` locations of the dipoles defined on a Cartesian coordinate system. All coordinates should be in meters. magnetic_moments : tuple of arrays Tuple containing the three arrays corresponding to the magnetic moment components of each dipole in :math:`Am^2`. These arrays should be provided in the following order: ``mag_moment_easting``, ``mag_moment_northing``, ``mag_moment_upward``. shape : tuple of int Shape of the expected output arrays. dtype : np.dtype Data type of the expected output arrays. parallel : bool If True, the forward modelling will be run in parallel. If False, it will be run in a single thread. progressbar : bool If True, a progress bar of the computation will be printed to standard error (stderr). Requires :mod:`numba_progress` to be installed. Returns ------- magnetic_components : tuple of arrays Tuple containing the three components of the magnetic vector in :math:`nT`: ``b_e``, ``b_n``, ``b_u``. """ # Decide which function should be used if parallel: jit_func = _jit_dipole_magnetic_field_cartesian_parallel else: jit_func = _jit_dipole_magnetic_field_cartesian_serial # Run forward model size = prod(shape) b_e, b_n, b_u = tuple(np.zeros(size, dtype=dtype) for _ in range(3)) with initialize_progressbar(coordinates[0].size, progressbar) as progress_proxy: jit_func(coordinates, dipoles, magnetic_moments, b_e, b_n, b_u, progress_proxy) # Convert to nT b_e *= 1e9 b_n *= 1e9 b_u *= 1e9 # Cast shape and form the tuple result = tuple(component.reshape(shape) for component in (b_e, b_n, b_u)) return result def _dipole_magnetic_component( coordinates, dipoles, magnetic_moments, forward_func, shape, dtype, parallel, progressbar, ): """ Forward model a single component of the magnetic vector Parameters ---------- coordinates : tuple of arrays Tuple containing ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward`` of the computation points as arrays, all defined on a Cartesian coordinate system and in meters. dipoles : tuple of arrays Tuple of arrays containing the ``easting``, ``northing`` and ``upward`` locations of the dipoles defined on a Cartesian coordinate system. All coordinates should be in meters. magnetic_moments : tuple of arrays Tuple containing the three arrays corresponding to the magnetic moment components of each dipole in :math:`Am^2`. These arrays should be provided in the following order: ``mag_moment_easting``, ``mag_moment_northing``, ``mag_moment_upward``. forward_func : callable Forward function to be used to compute the desired component of the magnetic field. Choose one of :func:`choclo.dipole.magnetic_easting`, :func:`choclo.dipole.magnetic_northing` or :func:`choclo.dipole.magnetic_upward`. shape : tuple of int Shape of the expected output array. dtype : np.dtype Data type of the expected output array. parallel : bool If True, the forward modelling will be run in parallel. If False, it will be run in a single thread. progressbar : bool If True, a progress bar of the computation will be printed to standard error (stderr). Requires :mod:`numba_progress` to be installed. Returns ------- magnetic_component : arrays Array containing the desired magnetic component in :math:`nT`. """ # Decide which function should be used if parallel: jit_func = _jit_dipole_magnetic_component_cartesian_parallel else: jit_func = _jit_dipole_magnetic_component_cartesian_serial # Run computations size = prod(shape) result = np.zeros(size, dtype=dtype) with initialize_progressbar(coordinates[0].size, progressbar) as progress_proxy: jit_func( coordinates, dipoles, magnetic_moments, result, forward_func, progress_proxy, ) # Convert to nT result *= 1e9 return result.reshape(shape) def _check_dipoles_and_magnetic_moments(dipoles, magnetic_moments): """ Check if dipoles and magnetic moments have valid shape and size """ if (size := len(magnetic_moments)) != 3: raise ValueError( f"Invalid magnetic moments with '{size}' elements." " Magnetic moments vectors should have 3 components." ) if magnetic_moments[0].size != dipoles[0].size: raise ValueError( f"Number of elements in magnetic_moments ({magnetic_moments[0].size})" f" mismatch the number of dipoles ({dipoles[0].size})." ) def _jit_dipole_magnetic_field_cartesian( coordinates, dipoles, magnetic_moments, b_e, b_n, b_u, progress_proxy ): """ Compute the magnetic field components of dipoles in Cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- coordinates : tuple Tuple containing the ``easting``, ``northing``, ``upward`` coordinates of the computation points in Cartesian coordinate system. dipoles : tuple Tuple containing the ``easting``, ``northing``, ``upward`` coordinates of the dipoles in Cartesian coordinate system. magnetic_moments : 2d-array Array with the components of the magnetic moment for each dipole. b_e : 1d-array Array where the resulting values of the easting component of the magnetic field will be stored. b_n : 1d-array Array where the resulting values of the northing component of the magnetic field will be stored. b_u : 1d-array Array where the resulting values of the upward component of the magnetic field will be stored. progress_proxy : :class:`numba_progress.ProgressBar` or None Instance of :class:`numba_progress.ProgressBar` that gets updated after each iteration on the observation points. Use None if no progress bar is should be used. """ # Check if we need to update the progressbar on each iteration update_progressbar = progress_proxy is not None # Unpack coordinates and magnetic_moments easting, northing, upward = coordinates easting_p, northing_p, upward_p = dipoles mag_e, mag_n, mag_u = magnetic_moments # Iterate over computation points and dipoles for l in prange(easting.size): for m in range(easting_p.size): easting_comp, northing_comp, upward_comp = magnetic_field( easting[l], northing[l], upward[l], easting_p[m], northing_p[m], upward_p[m], mag_e[m], mag_n[m], mag_u[m], ) b_e[l] += easting_comp b_n[l] += northing_comp b_u[l] += upward_comp # Update progress bar if called if update_progressbar: progress_proxy.update(1) def _jit_dipole_magnetic_component_cartesian( coordinates, dipoles, magnetic_moments, result, forward_func, progress_proxy ): """ Compute a single magnetic component of dipoles in Cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- coordinates : tuple Tuple containing the ``easting``, ``northing``, ``upward`` coordinates of the computation points in Cartesian coordinate system. dipoles : tuple Tuple containing the ``easting``, ``northing``, ``upward`` coordinates of the dipoles in Cartesian coordinate system. magnetic_moments : 2d-array Array with the components of the magnetic moment for each dipole. result : 1d-array Array where the resulting values of the selected component of the magnetic field will be stored. forward_function : callable Forward function to be used to compute the desired component of the magnetic field. Choose one of :func:`choclo.dipole.magnetic_easting`, :func:`choclo.dipole.magnetic_northing` or :func:`choclo.dipole.magnetic_upward`. progress_proxy : :class:`numba_progress.ProgressBar` or None Instance of :class:`numba_progress.ProgressBar` that gets updated after each iteration on the observation points. Use None if no progress bar is should be used. """ # Check if we need to update the progressbar on each iteration update_progressbar = progress_proxy is not None # Unpack coordinates and magnetic_moments easting, northing, upward = coordinates easting_p, northing_p, upward_p = dipoles mag_e, mag_n, mag_u = magnetic_moments # Iterate over computation points and dipoles for l in prange(easting.size): for m in range(easting_p.size): result[l] += forward_func( easting[l], northing[l], upward[l], easting_p[m], northing_p[m], upward_p[m], mag_e[m], mag_n[m], mag_u[m], ) # Update progress bar if called if update_progressbar: progress_proxy.update(1) _jit_dipole_magnetic_field_cartesian_serial = jit(nopython=True)( _jit_dipole_magnetic_field_cartesian ) _jit_dipole_magnetic_field_cartesian_parallel = jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)( _jit_dipole_magnetic_field_cartesian ) _jit_dipole_magnetic_component_cartesian_serial = jit(nopython=True)( _jit_dipole_magnetic_component_cartesian ) _jit_dipole_magnetic_component_cartesian_parallel = jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)( _jit_dipole_magnetic_component_cartesian )