Go to the end to download the full example code
Upward derivative of a regular grid#

Upward derivative:
<xarray.DataArray (northing: 370, easting: 346)> Size: 1MB
array([[-0.95819615, -0.62479717, -0.65249412, ..., 1.73446398,
1.6766403 , 2.72435657],
[-0.63634012, -0.21904971, -0.23107569, ..., 0.49049566,
0.45948428, 1.68409986],
[-0.66359177, -0.2353631 , -0.24506233, ..., 0.51034737,
0.49225437, 1.75482676],
[-3.39466133, -0.92997513, -0.84908229, ..., 0.187395 ,
0.37947101, 1.13012071],
[-3.28895188, -0.89679122, -0.84612101, ..., 0.15550382,
0.36489592, 1.12153698],
[-5.04820203, -2.9126185 , -2.80733457, ..., -0.11714694,
0.3870613 , 1.26040208]])
* easting (easting) float64 3kB 4.655e+05 4.656e+05 ... 4.827e+05 4.828e+05
* northing (northing) float64 3kB 7.576e+06 7.576e+06 ... 7.595e+06 7.595e+06
import ensaio
import pygmt
import verde as vd
import xarray as xr
import xrft
import harmonica as hm
# Fetch magnetic grid over the Lightning Creek Sill Complex, Australia using
# Ensaio and load it with Xarray
fname = ensaio.fetch_lightning_creek_magnetic(version=1)
magnetic_grid = xr.load_dataarray(fname)
# Pad the grid to increase accuracy of the FFT filter
pad_width = {
"easting": magnetic_grid.easting.size // 3,
"northing": magnetic_grid.northing.size // 3,
# drop the extra height coordinate
magnetic_grid_no_height = magnetic_grid.drop_vars("height")
magnetic_grid_padded = xrft.pad(magnetic_grid_no_height, pad_width)
# Compute the upward derivative of the grid
deriv_upward = hm.derivative_upward(magnetic_grid_padded)
# Unpad the derivative grid
deriv_upward = xrft.unpad(deriv_upward, pad_width)
# Show the upward derivative
print("\nUpward derivative:\n", deriv_upward)
# Plot original magnetic anomaly and the upward derivative
fig = pygmt.Figure()
with fig.subplot(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=("28c", "15c"), sharey="l"):
with fig.set_panel(panel=0):
# Make colormap of data
scale = 2500
pygmt.makecpt(cmap="polar+h", series=[-scale, scale], background=True)
# Plot magnetic anomaly grid
# Add colorbar
frame='af+l"Magnetic anomaly [nT]"',
with fig.set_panel(panel=1):
# Make colormap for upward derivative (saturate it a little bit)
scale = 0.6 * vd.maxabs(deriv_upward)
pygmt.makecpt(cmap="polar+h", series=[-scale, scale], background=True)
# Plot upward derivative
fig.grdimage(grid=deriv_upward, projection="X?", cmap=True)
# Add colorbar
frame='af+l"Upward derivative [nT/m]"',
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.403 seconds)