
verde.datasets.setup_baja_bathymetry_map(ax, region=(245.0, 254.705, 20.0, 29.99), coastlines=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Setup a Cartopy map for the Baja California bathymetry dataset.


All sample datasets in Verde are deprecated and will be removed in Verde v2.0.0. The tutorials/examples will transition to using Ensaio instead.

axmatplotlib Axes

The axes where the map is being plotted.

regionlist = [W, E, S, N]

The boundaries of the map region in the coordinate system of the data.


If True the coastlines will be added to the plot.


All additional key-word arguments will be ignored. kwargs are accepted to guarantee backward compatibility.

See also


Sample bathymetry data from Baja California.

Examples using verde.datasets.setup_baja_bathymetry_map#

K-Fold cross-validation with blocks

K-Fold cross-validation with blocks

Blocked reduction operations

Blocked reduction operations

Mask grid points by convex hull

Mask grid points by convex hull

Gridding with a cubic interpolator

Gridding with a cubic interpolator

Mask grid points by distance

Mask grid points by distance

Gridding with a nearest-neighbors interpolator

Gridding with a nearest-neighbors interpolator

Gridding with a linear interpolator

Gridding with a linear interpolator

Splitting data into train and test sets

Splitting data into train and test sets

Data Decimation

Data Decimation

Geographic Coordinates

Geographic Coordinates