


Fetch sample bathymetry data from Baja California.


All sample datasets in Verde are deprecated and will be removed in Verde v2.0.0. The tutorials/examples will transition to using Ensaio instead.

This is the sample data from the GMT tutorial.

If the file isn’t already in your data directory, it will be downloaded automatically.


The bathymetry data. Columns are longitude, latitude, and bathymetry (in meters) for each data point.

See also


Utility function to help setup a Cartopy map.

Examples using verde.datasets.fetch_baja_bathymetry#

K-Fold cross-validation with blocks

K-Fold cross-validation with blocks

Blocked reduction operations

Blocked reduction operations

Mask grid points by convex hull

Mask grid points by convex hull

Gridding with a cubic interpolator

Gridding with a cubic interpolator

Mask grid points by distance

Mask grid points by distance

Gridding with a nearest-neighbors interpolator

Gridding with a nearest-neighbors interpolator

Gridding with a linear interpolator

Gridding with a linear interpolator

Splitting data into train and test sets

Splitting data into train and test sets

Chaining Operations

Chaining Operations

Data Decimation

Data Decimation

Geographic Coordinates

Geographic Coordinates