

Topography and bathymetry data for Southern Africa

This is a topography and bathymetry grid with a resolution of 1 arc-minute over Southern Africa. The grid was generated by cropping the ETOPO1 global topography grid. The heights are referenced to the mean sea level.

Format: netCDF4 with zlib compression

Load with: xarray.load_dataarray (requires the netcdf4 library)

Original source: ETOPO1

Original license: Public domain

Pre-processing: Source code for preparation of the original dataset for redistribution in Ensaio



version (int) – The data version to fetch. See the available versions above.


fname (pathlib.Path) – Path to the downloaded file on disk.

Examples using ensaio.fetch_southern_africa_topography#

Topography and bathymetry of Southern Africa

Topography and bathymetry of Southern Africa