- ensaio.fetch_lightning_creek_magnetic(version)[source]#
Magnetic anomaly grid of the Lightning Creek Sill Complex, Australia
This is a section of a survey acquired in 1990 by the Queensland Government, Australia. The grid has 50 m resolution (UTM coordinates) and is at a uniform orthometric height of 500 m. Total field anomalies are in nT.
Format: netCDF4 with zlib compression
Load with:
(requires the netcdf4 library)Original license: CC-BY
Pre-processing: Source code for preparation of the original dataset for redistribution in Ensaio
1 (doi:10.5281/zenodo.7079711)
- Parameters:
version (int) – The data version to fetch. See the available versions above.
- Returns:
fname (
) – Path to the downloaded file on disk.
Examples using ensaio.fetch_lightning_creek_magnetic

Magnetic anomaly grid of the Lightning Creek Sill Complex, Australia