Support Fatiando

Here are some of the ways in which you can help support the project and give back to the community.

Cite our software

Citations help us justify the effort that goes into building and maintaining this project. If you use our software, please consider citing it in your publications.

Get involved

Fatiando only exists because of the efforts of our community members, most of which volunteer their time and energy. One of the most impactful ways you can help is by being involved!

Buy some merch

We have t-shirts for sale at the Software Underground store! Proceeds go to the Software Underground which in turn supports our community.

Picture of 3 tshirt types we have for sale: one with a text editor importing our libraries, one with our logo in the center, and a baby onesie sporting our logo.

Three types of Fatiando clothing available on the Software Underground store (left-to-right): one with a text editor importing our libraries, a baby onesie with our logo, and a plain t-shirt with our logo.

Spread the word

We benefit greatly from recommendations and acknowledgements of usage of our software. It helps boost morale, encourage participation, and can even help with funding applications and job interviews for our community members.

Social media: Share links to this website, our GitHub repositories, project documentation, etc.

Publish your code: Used our tools in your research? Why not publish your analysis code along with the paper? Give us a shout and we’ll gladly share it on our social media.

Use our logos: Include the project logos in talks, posters, videos, and websites about work that used our tools.

Want all of them + vector graphics versions?

High quality SVG and PNG versions of the logos and other variants are all available at fatiando/logo.

Can’t get enough? Here is a sweet Fatiando wallpaper in 4k resolution and 16x9 aspect ratio:

Funding and support

Development and maintenance of the Fatiando a Terra project is generously supported by: