API Reference¶
Biharmonic spline interpolation using Green’s functions. |
Cross-validated biharmonic spline interpolation. |
Elastically coupled interpolation of 2-component vector data. |
A scipy.interpolate based gridder for scalar Cartesian data. |
Data Processing¶
Apply a reduction/aggregation operation to the data in blocks/windows. |
Apply a (weighted) mean to the data in blocks/windows. |
Fit a 2D polynomial trend to spatial data. |
Composite Estimators¶
Chain filtering operations to fit on each subsequent output. |
Fit an estimator to each component of multi-component vector data. |
Model Selection¶
Split a dataset into a training and a testing set for cross-validation. |
Score an estimator/gridder using cross-validation. |
Coordinate Manipulation¶
Generate the coordinates for each point on a regular grid. |
Generate the coordinates for a random scatter of points. |
Coordinates for a profile along a straight line between two points. |
Get the bounding region of the given coordinates. |
Extend the borders of a region by the given amount. |
Determine which points fall inside a given region. |
Split a region into blocks and label points according to where they fall. |
Select points on a rolling (moving) window. |
Select points on windows of changing size around a center point. |
Calculate the bounding box of a region in projected coordinates. |
Apply the given map projection to a grid and re-sample it. |
Mask grid points that are too far from the given data points. |
Mask grid points that are outside the convex hull of the given data points. |
Run the test suite. |
Calculate the maximum absolute value of the given array(s). |
Converts data variances to weights for gridding. |
Convert a grid to a table with the values and coordinates of each point. |
Median distance between the k nearest neighbors of each point. |
Read data from a Surfer ASCII grid file. |
The absolute path to the sample data storage location on disk. |
Generate synthetic data in a checkerboard pattern. |
Fetch sample bathymetry data from Baja California. |
Setup a Cartopy map for the Baja California bathymetry dataset. |
Fetch sample GPS velocity data from California (the U.S. |
Setup a Cartopy map for the California GPS velocity dataset. |
Fetch sample wind speed and air temperature data for Texas, USA. |
Setup a Cartopy map for the Texas wind speed and air temperature dataset. |
Fetch total-field magnetic anomaly data from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
Setup a Cartopy map for the Rio de Janeiro magnetic anomaly dataset. |
Base Classes and Functions¶
Base class for gridders. |
Get the first n elements from a tuple/list, convert to arrays, and ravel. |
Validate the inputs to the fit method of gridders. |
Solve a weighted least-squares problem with optional damping regularization |