(coordinates, data, weights, unpack=True)[source]¶ Validate the inputs to the fit method of gridders.
Checks that the coordinates, data, and weights (if given) all have the same shape. Weights arrays are raveled.
Parameters: - coordinates : tuple of arrays
Arrays with the coordinates of each data point. Should be in the following order: (easting, northing, vertical, …).
- data : array or tuple of arrays
The data values of each data point. Data can have more than one component. In such cases, data should be a tuple of arrays.
- weights : None or array
If not None, then the weights assigned to each data point. Typically, this should be 1 over the data uncertainty squared. If the data has multiple components, the weights have the same number of components.
- unpack : bool
If False, data and weights will be tuples always. If they are single arrays, then they will be returned as a 1-element tuple. If True, will unpack the tuples if there is only 1 array in each.
Returns: - validated_inputs
The validated inputs in the same order. If weights are given, will ravel the array before returning.