Printing progress bars

Using tqdm progress bars

Pooch uses tqdm to print a download progress bar. This is turned off by default but can be enabled using progressbar=True in pooch.retrieve:

fname = retrieve(

The resulting progress bar will be printed to the standard error stream (STDERR) and should look something like this:

100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| 336/336 [...]

You can also do the same with pooch.Pooch.fetch:

POOCH = pooch.create(

fname = POOCH.fetch(

Alternatively, you can pass progressbar=True directly into one of our downloaders:

# Using fetch
fname = POOCH.fetch(

# Using retrieve
fname = retrieve(


tqdm is not installed by default with Pooch. You will have to install it separately in order to use this feature.

Using custom progress bars


At the moment, this feature is only available for pooch.HTTPDownloader.

Alternatively, you can pass an arbitrary object that behaves like a progress that implements the update, reset, and close methods:

  • update should accept a single integer positional argument representing the current completion (in bytes).

  • reset and close do not take any argument beside self.

The object must also have a total attribute that can be set from outside the class. In other words, the custom progress bar needs to behave like a tqdm progress bar.

Here’s a minimal working example of such a custom “progress display” class:

import sys

class MinimalProgressDisplay:
    def __init__(self, total):
        self.count = 0 = total

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.count) + "/" + str(

    def render(self):
        print(f"\r{self}", file=sys.stderr, end="")

    def update(self, i):
        self.count = i

    def reset(self):
        self.count = 0

    def close(self):
        print("", file=sys.stderr)

An instance of this class can now be passed to an HTTPDownloader as:

# Assuming you have a pooch.Pooch instance setup
POOCH = pooch.create(

minimal_progress = MinimalProgressDisplay(total=None)

fname = POOCH.fetch(