
pooch.retrieve(url, known_hash, fname=None, path=None, processor=None, downloader=None)[source]

Download and cache a single file locally.

Uses HTTP or FTP by default, depending on the protocol in the given url. Other download methods can be controlled through the downloader argument (see below).

The file will be downloaded to a temporary location first and its hash will be compared to the given known_hash. This is done to ensure that the download happened correctly and securely. If the hash doesn’t match, the file will be deleted and an exception will be raised.

If the file already exists locally, its hash will be compared to known_hash. If they are not the same, this is interpreted as the file needing to be updated and it will be downloaded again.

You can bypass these checks by passing known_hash=None. If this is done, the SHA256 hash of the downloaded file will be logged to the screen. It is highly recommended that you copy and paste this hash as known_hash so that future downloads are guaranteed to be the exact same file. This is crucial for reproducible computations.

If the file exists in the given path with the given fname and the hash matches, it will not be downloaded and the absolute path to the file will be returned.


This function is meant for downloading single files. If you need to manage the download and caching of several files, with versioning, use pooch.create and pooch.Pooch instead.

  • url (str) – The URL to the file that is to be downloaded. Ideally, the URL should end in a file name.

  • known_hash (str) – A known hash (checksum) of the file. Will be used to verify the download or check if an existing file needs to be updated. By default, will assume it’s a SHA256 hash. To specify a different hashing method, prepend the hash with algorithm:, for example md5:pw9co2iun29juoh or sha1:092odwhi2ujdp2du2od2odh2wod2. If None, will NOT check the hash of the downloaded file or check if an existing file needs to be updated.

  • fname (str or None) – The name that will be used to save the file. Should NOT include the full the path, just the file name (it will be appended to path). If None, will create a unique file name using a combination of the last part of the URL (assuming it’s the file name) and the MD5 hash of the URL. For example, 81whdo2d2e928yd1wi22-data-file.csv. This ensures that files from different URLs never overwrite each other, even if they have the same name.

  • path (str or PathLike or None) – The location of the cache folder on disk. This is where the file will be saved. If None, will save to a pooch folder in the default cache location for your operating system (see pooch.os_cache).

  • processor (None or callable) – If not None, then a function (or callable object) that will be called before returning the full path and after the file has been downloaded (if required). See pooch.Pooch.fetch for details.

  • downloader (None or callable) – If not None, then a function (or callable object) that will be called to download a given URL to a provided local file name. By default, downloads are done through HTTP without authentication using pooch.HTTPDownloader. See pooch.Pooch.fetch for details.


full_path (str) – The absolute path (including the file name) of the file in the local storage.


Download one of the data files from the Pooch repository on GitHub:

>>> import os
>>> from pooch import version, check_version, retrieve
>>> # Make a URL for the version of pooch we have installed
>>> url = "https://github.com/fatiando/pooch/raw/{}/data/tiny-data.txt"
>>> url = url.format(check_version(version.full_version))
>>> # Download the file and save it locally. Will check the MD5 checksum of
>>> # the downloaded file against the given value to make sure it's the
>>> # right file. You can use other hashes by specifying different
>>> # algorithm names (sha256, sha1, etc).
>>> fname = retrieve(
...     url, known_hash="md5:70e2afd3fd7e336ae478b1e740a5f08e",
... )
>>> with open(fname) as f:
...     print(f.read().strip())
# A tiny data file for test purposes only
1  2  3  4  5  6
>>> # Running again won't trigger a download and only return the path to
>>> # the existing file.
>>> fname2 = retrieve(
...     url, known_hash="md5:70e2afd3fd7e336ae478b1e740a5f08e",
... )
>>> print(fname2 == fname)
>>> os.remove(fname)

Files that are compressed with gzip, xz/lzma, or bzip2 can be automatically decompressed by passing using the pooch.Decompress processor:

>>> from pooch import Decompress
>>> # URLs to a gzip compressed version of the data file.
>>> url = ("https://github.com/fatiando/pooch/raw/{}/"
...        + "pooch/tests/data/tiny-data.txt.gz")
>>> url = url.format(check_version(version.full_version))
>>> # By default, you would have to decompress the file yourself
>>> fname = retrieve(
...     url,
...     known_hash="md5:8812ba10b6c7778014fdae81b03f9def",
... )
>>> print(os.path.splitext(fname)[1])
>>> # Use the processor to decompress after download automatically and
>>> # return the path to the decompressed file instead.
>>> fname2 = retrieve(
...     url,
...     known_hash="md5:8812ba10b6c7778014fdae81b03f9def",
...     processor=Decompress(),
... )
>>> print(fname2 == fname)
>>> with open(fname2) as f:
...     print(f.read().strip())
# A tiny data file for test purposes only
1  2  3  4  5  6
>>> os.remove(fname)
>>> os.remove(fname2)

When downloading archives (zip or tar), it can be useful to unpack them after download to avoid having to do that yourself. Use the processors pooch.Unzip or pooch.Untar to do this automatically:

>>> from pooch import Unzip
>>> # URLs to a zip archive with a single data file.
>>> url = ("https://github.com/fatiando/pooch/raw/{}/"
...        + "pooch/tests/data/tiny-data.zip")
>>> url = url.format(check_version(version.full_version))
>>> # By default, you would get the path to the archive
>>> fname = retrieve(
...     url,
...     known_hash="md5:e9592cb46cf3514a1079051f8a148148",
... )
>>> print(os.path.splitext(fname)[1])
>>> os.remove(fname)
>>> # Using the processor, the archive will be unzipped and a list with the
>>> # path to every file will be returned instead of a single path.
>>> fnames = retrieve(
...     url,
...     known_hash="md5:e9592cb46cf3514a1079051f8a148148",
...     processor=Unzip(),
... )
>>> # There was only a single file in our archive.
>>> print(len(fnames))
>>> with open(fnames[0]) as f:
...     print(f.read().strip())
# A tiny data file for test purposes only
1  2  3  4  5  6
>>> for f in fnames:
...     os.remove(f)