


Modelling and inversion of magnetic microscopy data


Magali is a Python library for modeling and processing magnetic microscopy data. It is able to perform data transformation, automatically identify particles in imagery, and perform inversions for magnetic dipole moments.

Why this name?

Magali is one of the main characters in a beloved Brazilian comic strip who is always eating watermelons. It also sounds a bit “magnetic” and we thought the logo looked cool.

Getting started

New to Magali? Start here!


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Reference documentation

A list of available functions.

List of functions and classes (API)

Using for research?

Citations help support our work!


Magali is in early stages of development

Magali is in early stages of development. We’re still figuring out what the best approach, API, and methods will be. Expect breaking changes on new releases as we work towards a more stable future release.

We welcome feedback and ideas! This is a great time to bring new ideas on how we can improve the project. Join the conversation or submit issues on GitHub.