.. _point: Point sources ============= We can compute the gravitational field of point masses through the :func:`harmonica.point_gravity` function. It offers the possibility to define point sources and computation points either in Cartesian or in spherical coordinates. Each point mass can be defined as a tuple containing its coordinates in the following order: *easting*, *northing* and *upward* (in Cartesian coordinates) or *longitude*, *spherical latitude* and *radius* (in spherical coordinates). Cartesian coordinates --------------------- .. jupyter-execute:: :hide-code: import harmonica as hm For example, lets define a single point mass and compute the gravitational potential it generates on a computation point located 100 meters above it. Define the point source and its mass (in kg): .. jupyter-execute:: point = (400, 300, 200) mass = 1e6 Define a computation point located 100m above the point source: .. jupyter-execute:: coordinates = (point[0], point[1], point[2] + 100) And finally, compute the gravitational potential field it generates on the computation point: .. jupyter-execute:: potential = hm.point_gravity(coordinates, point, mass, field="potential") print(potential, "J/kg") Working with multiple sources ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We can easily compute the gravitational field of a set of point sources by grouping its coordinates in arrays and with a single call of the :func:`harmonica.point_gravity`. Lets define a set of four point sources, along with their masses: .. jupyter-execute:: import numpy as np easting = np.array([250, 750, 250, 750]) northing = np.array([250, 250, 750, 750]) upward = np.array([-100, -100, -100, -100]) points = (easting, northing, upward) masses = np.array([1e6, -1e6, 2e6, -3e6]) We can define a set of computation points located on a regular grid at zero height: .. jupyter-execute:: import verde as vd coordinates = vd.grid_coordinates( region=(-250, 1250, -250, 1250), shape=(40, 40), extra_coords=0 ) And finally calculate the vertical component of the gravitational acceleration generated by the whole set of point sources on every computation point: .. jupyter-execute:: g_z = hm.point_gravity(coordinates, points, masses, field="g_z") .. note:: When passing multiple sources and coordinates to :func:`harmonica.point_gravity` we calculate the field in parallel using multiple CPUs, speeding up the computation. Lets plot this gravitational field: .. jupyter-execute:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt maxabs = vd.maxabs(g_z) plt.pcolormesh( *coordinates[:2], g_z, vmin=-maxabs, vmax=maxabs, cmap="seismic" ) plt.colorbar(label="mGal") plt.gca().set_aspect("equal") plt.xlabel("easting [m]") plt.ylabel("northing [m]") plt.show() Spherical coordinates --------------------- Alternatively, we can compute the gravitational fields of point sources defined in a spherical coordinate system. To do so, we need to pass the ``coordinate_system`` argument as ``"spherical"```. The coordinates of the point source must now be passed as *longitude*, *spherical latitude* and *radius*, where the two former ones must be in decimal degrees and the latter in meters. Lets define a single point source in the equator, at a longitude of 45 degrees and located on the surface of the WGS84 ellipsoid. We can start by obtaining the WGS84 ellipsoid from :mod:`boule`: .. jupyter-execute:: import boule as bl ellipsoid = bl.WGS84 Then we can define the point source in the equator along with its mass: .. jupyter-execute:: longitude, latitude = 45, 0 radius = ellipsoid.geocentric_radius(latitude, geodetic=False) point = (longitude, latitude, radius) mass = 1e6 We can also define a computation point located 1km above the point source: .. jupyter-execute:: coordinates = (point[0], point[1], point[2] + 1000) And finally compute the gravitational field generated by the source on the computation point: .. jupyter-execute:: g_z = hm.point_gravity( coordinates, point, mass, field="g_z", coordinate_system="spherical" ) print(g_z, "mGal") Working with sources defined in geodetic coordinates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If our point sources and computation points are defined in geodetic coordinates, we can use the :meth:`boule.Ellipsoid.geodetic_to_spherical` method to convert them to spherical coordinates and use them to compute their gravitational field. Lets define a set point sources in geodetic coordinates and their masses: .. jupyter-execute:: longitude = np.array([-71, -71, -69, -69]) latitude = np.array([-45, -43, -45, -43]) height = np.array([-10e3, -20e3, -30e3, -20e3]) points = (longitude, latitude, height) masses = np.array([1e6, 2e6, -3e6, 5e6]) Then, build a regular grid of computation points defined in geodetic coordinates and located at 1km above the ellipsoid: .. jupyter-execute:: coordinates = vd.grid_coordinates( region=(-72, -68, -46, -42), shape=(101, 101), extra_coords=20e3, ) Before we can start forward modelling these sources, we need to convert them to spherical coordinates. To do so, we can use the :meth:`boule.Ellipsoid.geodetic_to_spherical` method: .. jupyter-execute:: points_spherical = ellipsoid.geodetic_to_spherical(*points) coordinates_spherical = ellipsoid.geodetic_to_spherical(*coordinates) We can finally use these converted coordinates to compute the gravitational field the source generate on every computation point: .. jupyter-execute:: g_z = hm.point_gravity( coordinates_spherical, points_spherical, masses, field="g_z", coordinate_system="spherical", ) Lets plot these results using :mod:`cartopy`: .. jupyter-execute:: import cartopy.crs as ccrs plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Mercator()) maxabs = vd.maxabs(g_z) tmp = ax.pcolormesh( *coordinates[:2], g_z, vmin=-maxabs, vmax=maxabs, cmap="seismic", transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), ) ax.set_title("Gravitational acceleration (downward)") plt.colorbar(tmp, ax=ax, pad=0.04, shrink=0.73, label="mGal") plt.show()