.. _eqs-parameters-estimation: Estimating damping and depth parameters ======================================= When interpolating gravity and magnetic data through the :ref:`equivalent_sources` technique we need to choose values for some parameters, like the ``depth`` at which the sources will be located or the amount of ``damping`` that should be applied. The choice of these *hyperparameters* can significantly affect the accuracy of the predictions. One way to make this choice could be a visual inspection of the predictions, but that could be tedious and non-objective. Instead, we could estimate these hyperparameters by evaluating the performance of the equivalent sources with different values for each hyperparameter through a **cross validation**. .. seealso:: Evaluating the performance of :class:`EquivalentSources` through cross validation is very similar to how we do it for any :mod:`verde` gridder. Refer to Verde's `Evaluating Performance `_ and `Model Selection `_ for further details. Cross-validating equivalent sources ----------------------------------- Lets start by loading some sample gravity data: .. jupyter-execute:: import ensaio import pandas as pd fname = ensaio.fetch_bushveld_gravity(version=1) data = pd.read_csv(fname) data And project their coordinates using a Mercator projection: .. jupyter-execute:: import pyproj projection = pyproj.Proj(proj="merc", lat_ts=data.latitude.values.mean()) easting, northing = projection(data.longitude.values, data.latitude.values) coordinates = (easting, northing, data.height_geometric_m.values) Lets fit the gravity disturbance using equivalent sources and a first guess for the ``depth`` and ``damping`` parameters. .. jupyter-execute:: import harmonica as hm eqs_first_guess = hm.EquivalentSources(depth=1e3, damping=1) eqs_first_guess.fit(coordinates, data.gravity_disturbance_mgal) We can use a **cross-validation** to evaluate how well these equivalent sources can accurately predict the values of the field on unobserved locations. We will use :func:`verde.cross_val_score` and then we will compute the mean value of the score obtained after each cross validation. .. jupyter-execute:: import numpy as np import verde as vd score_first_guess = np.mean( vd.cross_val_score( eqs_first_guess, coordinates, data.gravity_disturbance_mgal, ) ) score_first_guess The resulting score corresponds to the R^2. It represents how well the equivalent sources can reproduce the variation of our data. As closer it gets to one, the better the quality of the predictions. Estimating hyperparameters -------------------------- We saw that we can evaluate the performance of some equivalent sources with some values for the ``depth`` and ``damping`` parameters through cross validation. Now, lets use it to estimate a set of hyperparameters that produce more accurate predictions. To do so we are going to apply a simple grid search over the ``depth``, ``damping`` space, apply cross validation for each pair of values and keeping track of their score. Lets start by defining some possible values of ``damping`` and ``depth`` to explore: .. jupyter-execute:: dampings = [0.01, 0.1, 1, 10,] depths = [5e3, 10e3, 20e3, 50e3] .. note:: The actual value of the damping is not significant as its order of magnitude. Exploring different powers of ten is a good place to start. Then we can build a ``parameter_sets`` list where each element corresponds to each possible combination of the values of ``dampings`` and ``depths``: .. jupyter-execute:: import itertools parameter_sets = [ dict(damping=combo[0], depth=combo[1]) for combo in itertools.product(dampings, depths) ] print("Number of combinations:", len(parameter_sets)) print("Combinations:", parameter_sets) And now we can actually ran one cross validation for each pair of parameters: .. jupyter-execute:: equivalent_sources = hm.EquivalentSources() scores = [] for params in parameter_sets: equivalent_sources.set_params(**params) score = np.mean( vd.cross_val_score( equivalent_sources, coordinates, data.gravity_disturbance_mgal, ) ) scores.append(score) scores Once every score has been computed, we can obtain the best score and the corresponding parameters that generate it: .. jupyter-execute:: best = np.argmax(scores) print("Best score:", scores[best]) print("Score with defaults:", score_first_guess) print("Best parameters:", parameter_sets[best]) We have actually improved our score! Finally, lets grid the gravity disturbance data using the equivalent sources of the first guess and the best ones obtained after cross validation. Create some equivalent sources out of the best set of parameters: .. jupyter-execute:: eqs_best = hm.EquivalentSources(**parameter_sets[best]).fit( coordinates, data.gravity_disturbance_mgal ) And grid the data using the two equivalent sources: .. jupyter-execute:: # Define grid coordinates grid_coords = vd.grid_coordinates( region=vd.get_region(coordinates), spacing=2e3, extra_coords=2.5e3, ) grid_first_guess = eqs_first_guess.grid(grid_coords) grid = eqs_best.grid(grid_coords) Lets plot it: .. jupyter-execute:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt maxabs = vd.maxabs(grid_first_guess.scalars, grid.scalars) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12), ncols=2, nrows=1, sharey=True) cbar_kwargs = dict(orientation="horizontal", aspect=50, pad=0.05, label="mGal") grid_first_guess.scalars.plot.pcolormesh( ax=ax1, vmin=-maxabs, vmax=maxabs, cmap="seismic", cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, ) grid.scalars.plot.pcolormesh( ax=ax2, vmin=-maxabs, vmax=maxabs, cmap="seismic", cbar_kwargs=cbar_kwargs, ) ax1.set_title("Gravity disturbance with first guess") ax2.set_title("Gravity disturbance with best params") for ax in (ax1, ax2): ax.set_aspect("equal") plt.show() The best parameters not only produce a better score, but they also generate a visible more accurate predictions. In the first plot the equivalent sources are so shallow that we can actually see the distribution of sources in the produced grid.