.. _install: Installing ========== Which Python? ------------- You'll need **Python 3.7 or greater**. We recommend using the `Anaconda Python distribution `__ to ensure you have all dependencies installed and the ``conda`` package manager available. Installing Anaconda does not require administrative rights to your computer and doesn't interfere with any other Python installations in your system. Dependencies ------------ The required dependencies should be installed automatically when you install Harmonica using ``conda`` or ``pip``. Optional dependencies have to be installed manually. Required: * `numpy `__ * `pandas `__ * `numba `__ * `scipy `__ * `xarray `__ * `scikit-learn `__ * `pooch `__ * `verde `__ * `xrft `__ Optional: * `pyvista `__ and `vtk `__ (>= 9): for 3D visualizations. See :func:`harmonica.prism_to_pyvista`. * `numba_progress `__ for printing a progress bar on some forward modelling computations. See :func:`harmonica.prism_gravity`. The examples in the :ref:`gallery` also use: * `boule `__ * `matplotlib `__ * `cartopy `__ for plotting maps * `pyproj `__ for cartographic projections Installing with conda --------------------- You can install Harmonica using the `conda package manager `__ that comes with the Anaconda distribution:: conda install harmonica --channel conda-forge Installing with pip ------------------- Alternatively, you can also use the `pip package manager `__:: pip install harmonica Installing the latest development version ----------------------------------------- You can use ``pip`` to install the latest source from Github:: pip install https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/archive/main.zip Alternatively, you can clone the git repository locally and install from there:: git clone https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica.git cd harmonica pip install . Testing your install -------------------- We ship a full test suite with the package. To run the tests, you'll need to install some extra dependencies first: * `pytest `__ * `boule `__ After that, you can test your installation by running the following inside a Python interpreter:: import harmonica harmonica.test()