
ensaio.fetch_morroco_speleothem_qdm(version, file_format)[source]#

QDM magnetic microscopy dataset of a speleothem from Morocco

High-resolution magnetic map of a stalagmite sample from Wintimdouine Cave, Morocco, created using Quantum Diamond Microscope (QDM) measurements at Harvard University. The data were collected to explore the magnetic remanence properties of hematite and magnetite within the sample, providing insight into past geomagnetic field variations recorded in cave deposits.

Available as both a compressed netCDF file as well as the original Matlab file (.mat) in the Harvard format.

Format: netCDF4 with zlib compression or Matlab .mat file.

Load with: xarray.load_dataarray (for netCDF; requires the netcdf4 library) or magali.read_qdm_harvard (for Matlab format)

Original source: Carmo, Janine; Fu, Roger; Trindade, Ricardo; Piascik, Samuel (2023). QDM magnetic microscopy dataset of a speleothem from Morocco. figshare. Dataset. 10.6084/m9.figshare.22965200.v1

Original license: CC0

Pre-processing: Source code for preparation of the original dataset for redistribution in Ensaio


  • version (int) – The data version to fetch. See the available versions above.

  • file_format (str) – Which of the two data formats to fetch. Should be either "netcdf" or "matlab".


fname (pathlib.Path) – Path to the downloaded file on disk.

Examples using ensaio.fetch_morroco_speleothem_qdm#

QDM magnetic microscopy dataset of a speleothem from Morocco

QDM magnetic microscopy dataset of a speleothem from Morocco