.. _compatibility: Version compatibility ===================== Choclo version compatibility ------------------------------- Choclo uses `semantic versioning `__ (i.e., ``MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX`` format). * Major releases mean that backwards incompatible changes were made. Upgrading will require users to change their code. * Minor releases add new features/data without changing existing functionality. Users can upgrade minor versions without changing their code. * Bug fix releases fix errors in a previous release without adding new functionality. Users can upgrade minor versions without changing their code. We will add ``FutureWarning`` messages about deprecations ahead of making any breaking changes to give users a chance to upgrade. .. warning:: The above does not apply to versions < ``1.0.0``. All ``0.*`` versions may deprecate, remove, or change functionality between releases. Proper warnings will be raised and any breaking changes will be marked as such in the :ref:`changes`. .. _dependency-versions: Supported dependency versions ----------------------------- Choclo follows the recommendations in `NEP29 `__ for setting the minimum required version of our dependencies. In short, we support **all minor releases of our dependencies from the previous 24 months** before a Choclo release with a minimum of 2 minor releases. We follow this guidance conservatively and won't require newer versions if the older ones are still working without causing problems. Whenever support for a version is dropped, we will include a note in the :ref:`changes`. .. _python-versions: Supported Python versions ------------------------- If you require support for older Python versions, please pin Choclo to the following releases to ensure compatibility: .. list-table:: :widths: 40 60 * - **Python version** - **Last compatible release** * - 3.7 - 0.1.0