Looking for an overview? Watch this recorded example (~20 min) that uses our tools to process public domain gravity data from the Bushveld Complex in South Africa.
No time for a video? You can also just browse the code in the Jupyter notebook used in the example.
New to Python? Checkout these links to excellent free resources for starting your Scientific Python journey.
Used Fatiando for research? Please cite us in your publications.
Recording of a talk about using Fatiando for gravimetry with a live demo of the software. Source code for the demonstration: leouieda/2021-06-22-gfz
Verde offers spatial data processing and interpolation (gridding) with a sprinkling of machine learning.
Stable and ready for use
Code: fatiando/verde
Latest version: v1.8.1
doi: 10.21105/joss.00957
Pooch is the easiest way to download data files to your computer. It is used to manage sample data downloads not only by our own tools but also other popular Scientific Python libraries: scikit-image, SciPy, MetPy, xarray, SHTOOLS, satpy, icepack, histolab, yt, napari, and more.
Stable and ready for use
Code: fatiando/pooch
Latest version: v1.8.2
doi: 10.21105/joss.01943
import pooch
import xarray as xr
# The Digital Object Identifier of the data
doi = "10.6084/m9.figshare.13643837"
# Known MD5 checksum (from figshare)
checksum = "md5:16c94a792003714efee2bdb4f3181d3a"
# Download the netCDF file and check integrity
fname = pooch.retrieve(
# fname is the path to the file
data = xr.load_dataset(fname)
Running this code multiple times will only result in a single download because the data are cached where Pooch can find it.
Harmonica is our library for processing, forward modeling, and inversion of gravity and magnetic data. Our goal is to incentivise good practices by carefully designing the software and offering state-of-the-art methods with efficient implementations.
Functional but still evolving
Code: fatiando/harmonica
Latest version: v0.7.0
Boule defines reference ellipsoids for calculating normal gravity of the Earth and other planetary bodies (Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury).
Functional but still evolving
Code: fatiando/boule
Latest version: v0.5.0
Optimized forward modelling functions for gravity and magnetic fields, specially tailored to be reused by other libraries, like Harmonica.
Functional but still evolving
Code: fatiando/choclo
Latest version: v0.3.2
import choclo
# Define observation point
easting, northing, upward = 10.4e3, -5.6e3, 110.
# Define prism boundaries and physical properties
prism = [4e3, 12e3, -10e3, -2e3, -300., 20.]
density = 2910
magnetization = [1.2, -2.3, 1.0]
# Compute gravity field of the prism
g_u = choclo.prism.gravity_u(
easting, northing, upward, *prism, density
# Compute magnetic field of the prism
b_e, b_n, b_u = choclo.prism.magnetic_field(
easting, northing, upward, *prism, *magnetization
This code calculates the gravity acceleration and magnetic field generated by a single prism on a single observation point.
Ensaio makes it easy to download our open-access sample datasets. It taps into the Fatiando a Terra FAIR data collection which is designed for use in tutorials, documentation, and teaching.
Functional but still evolving
Code: fatiando/ensaio
Latest version: v0.7.0
We are always happy to welcome anyone who is interested in getting involved! Whether it be coding, teaching, designing, or just hanging out. Getting involved in open-source can be great way to meet new people, improve your coding skills, and make an impact in your field.
Happy community members at one of our weekly Fatiando calls.
2023/09/02: Agustina Pesce presented Fatiando a Terra in the Mining and Mineral Exploration session at IMAGE 2023. Slides and abstract are available in the fatiando/2023-image repo.
2023/08/08: The Fatiando and SimPEG communities got together in the Banff International Research Station as part of the 2-day Workshop to discuss future developments and roadmaps for the two projects. More information can be found in the Workshop’s website.
2023/07/19: Santiago was invited by Constanza Rodriguez Piceda to publish a blogpost about Fatiando in the EGU Geodynamics Blog.
2023/05/03: Santiago gave an invited talk at IGeBA about Fatiando and open-source software in geosciences. The talk was in Spanish and live-streamed through IGeBA’s YouTube channel (slides are available).
2023/03/18: Santiago gave a lightning talk at PyCascades 2023 about Pooch. Watch a recording of the talk (slides are available).
2023/03/04: Santiago gave a talk to the Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society (KEGS) about using Fatiando for processing and modelling gravity and magnetic fields. Abstract and slides are available, as well as a recording of the talk.
2022/11/07: Fatiando is now on Mastodon!
2021/09/01: Documentation for the Python 2.7 fatiando package has been moved to legacy.fatiando.org.
2021/09/01: Fatiando is now on LinkedIn! Give our page a follow to keep up with the latest releases, events, and other news.
2021/05/20: Santiago, Agustina, and Leo gave a talk to the Geophysical Society of Houston about using Fatiando for potential field data (slides are available).
Weekly Fatiando Calls: we discuss various aspects of the project. All are
welcome, regardless of skill level and prior knowledge! Notes and connection
details: fatiando/community
AGU 2021: Going to the AGU Fall Meeting? Come to our talk! Details at